Jean-François Focant, Gauthier Eppe and Edwin De Pauw
Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, University of Liege, B6c Sart-Tilman, B-4000 Liege, Belgium
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Tel : 0032 4 366 35 31 Fax : 0032 4 366 34 13
Due to their toxicity for humans (1), dioxins [polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F’s)] and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls
[non-ortho (coplanar or cPCBs) and mono-ortho PCBs] have to be monitored
in biological matrices. The acute lipophilicity of these compounds combined
to relatively low amounts (ppt or less) present as contaminants makes their
analysis very complex. A mutli-step procedure consisting in sample extraction,
adsorption chromatography columns clean-up and, finally, analysis using
Gas Chromatography coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (GC/HRMS)
is necessary in order to isolate and quantify these analytes (2,3).
The aim of the extraction step is to isolate the lipid fraction containing
compounds of interest. Few grams of lipids are usually necessary to permit
the quantification of dioxins. After gravimetric determination of the lipids
content, fats have to be removed to allow analysis. Several possible routes
such as acidic digestion (4), saponification (5,6), acidic silica columns
(7,8) or Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) (9,10) are possible to carry
out the lipid removal. Among them, GPC separation presents the advantage
to be used repetitively without regeneration and being quite easily automated.
Last years, an automated clean-up system (Fluid Management Systems, Inc.,
Power-Prep SystemTM) has been developed in order to increase
the number of samples treated simultaneously (11,12). The load of up to
1g of lipids is generally permitted on the system. The major part of the
extracted fat has to be removed before automated clean-up.
A new High Capacity Disposable Silica column (HCDS, FMS Inc.) is proposed
to overcome the need of a preliminary GPC run before the automated clean-up.
This results in a single automated clean-up step between extracted fat
(up to 6g) and the evaporation before HRGC/HRMS injection. This study focuses
on the comparison between these HCDS columns and the GPC purification.
Materials and methods
Eggs (yolk), adipose tissues (pork and poultry), mackerel (filet) and sperm whale (blubber) were grounded under liquid nitrogen (Air Liquide, Liege, Belgium), freeze-dried and extracted using Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASETM 200, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Lipids content were determined gravimetrically after extraction and aliquots of about 4-5g fat were used for each test. Dairy fat and "in house" QC (beef fat fortified with the 17 PCDD/Fs to have a content of about 8 pg TEQ/g Fat) were directly processed on HCDS or GPC.
GPC purification has been carried out on a Latek LC-12-3 column (Latek, Eppelhein, Germany) filled-out by 70g of S-X3 Bio-BeadsTM (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Nazareth, Belgium) using ethyl acetate/cyclohexane 1:1 as solvent.
HCDS columns (28g acidic, 16g basic, 6g neutral) were directly connected to the first column of the Power-Prep SystemTM. Samples were diluted in 50 ml of hexane.
Automated multi-columns clean-up has been performed on the Power-Prep SystemTM . All solvents were for pesticides analysis (ACROS, Geel, Belgium).
GC/HRMS analysis (isotopic dilution method) were
performed using a MAT95XL high-resolution mass spectrometer (Finnigan,
Bremen, Germany) and a Hewlett-Packard (USA) 6890 Series gas chromatograph
equipped with a DB-5MS (30m x 0.25mm x 0.25µm) capillary column (J&W
Scientific, Folsom, CA, USA). Procedural blanks (both instrumental and
method) and quality control samples were included in the analysis to ensure
that the analytical system is maintained under control. TEQs for all congeners
were calculated using 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEFs reported by the WHO (1998) (1).
Results and Discussion
Our quality control chart has not shown any significant change for QC
samples purified on HCDS regarding GPC samples. Some representative values
of the QC chart (95% control limits) illustrated in Figure 1. These only
indicate a light tendency of under estimation for HCDS. Figure 2 shows
that the tendency is the same for each congeners. This has also been observed
for all the matrices considered and the HCDS results were always between
1% and 8% lower than GPC ones (except for sperm whale, 14%).
Fig. 1 : Quality control chart "in house QC", n? represent GPC and s ? represent HCDS
Fig. 2 : Values for GPC and HCDS on a congener basis for the
All tests were carried out in triplicates. RSDs for HCDS are higher than those of GPC (Table 1) but are still good for acceptable reproducibility. Justness values are very close to 100% for both methods.
Table 1 : RSD and Justness values for GPC and HCDS for the QC
Recoveries are very similar in both cases as illustrated in Figure 3.
Fig. 3 : Recovery pattern for each congener for the QC
Many different real samples (eggs, pork, beef, poultry, mackerel, sperm whale, dairy fat, …) have been successfully tested and some examples for 2 very different matrices (levels of contamination for other matrices are exposed else where13) are presented in Figure 4 and 5.
Fig. 4 : HCDS and GPC results for home-produced eggs
Fig. 5 : HCDS and GPC results for sperm whale blubber (bottom)
No significant differences were observed between blank values and no
increase in the GC/MS background has been observed. Risks of cross contamination
are however reduced due to the disposable character of the HCDS. A single
wash step was sufficient to avoid carry-over on the Power-Prep SystemTM
, even when 4g of sperm whale fat were processed before lower contaminated
samples. Reproducibility, repetability and robustness have been evaluated
and are very good.
As for the QC, percentage recoveries for all samples (excepted for dairy
fat) processed through the entire clean-up procedure were very close for
both techniques. In the case of dairy fat, the acidic silica treatment
seems to be more suitable than size exclusion separation for removing the
An important point to consider is also the solvent consumption and the
time required and the global cost for the clean-up step. Including all
the parameters, the price of one run is roughly the same while the solvent
consumption is reduced of about a half. The sample capacity is however
increased drastically when a five lines Power-Prep SystemTM
is used. The same operator can then process several samples in parallel
and the time required for the total clean-up step is nicely reduced.
This system avoids the purchase of additional high cost automated GPC
equipment which would anyway not be so fast than the HCDS system. The complete
system using disposable columns don’t require skilled personnel. Only small
and fast training is necessary.
The proposed clean-up system allows a single operator to carry out up to 10 samples a day from extraction to final concentration before MS analysis. The effectiveness of the new HCDS columns coupled with the robustness of the Power-Prep SystemTM make this combination a powerful tool for low contaminated high fat content matrices analysis.
In addition to PCDD/Fs and cPCBs, this system is also able to isolate
mono-ortho PCBs.
Thanks to Hamid Shirkhan, FMS Inc. (Watertown, MA, USA), for providing
the "HCDS" columns for this study and for financing support to present
this paper. This research was supported by the "Fonds pour la Formation
à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et l’Agriculture" (F.R.I.A).